Course description

In this course, we delve deep into the ethical dilemmas surrounding AI and its potential consequences on employment. We will examine how AI technologies are transforming industries, automating tasks, and reshaping job markets. Through thought-provoking discussions, real-world case studies, and expert insights, we will analyze the impact of AI on job displacement and discuss strategies for mitigating these effects.

But that's not all! This course goes beyond just understanding the problem. We provide practical guidance on navigating this rapidly evolving landscape. You will learn about emerging career opportunities in the AI field, discover how to future-proof your skills and explore ethical frameworks that can guide responsible AI development.

Join us on this transformative learning journey as we equip you with knowledge that empowers you to make informed decisions in an increasingly automated world. Enroll now in "AI and the Future of Work: Ethical Considerations in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" and unlock a brighter future for yourself amidst technological advancements.

What will i learn?

  • Understand the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and its historical background.
  • Recognize the current applications of artificial intelligence and the ethical considerations surrounding it.
  • Explore the impact of AI on employment and understand the changes in skill requirements.
  • Examine the ethical implications of AI in employment, including privacy concerns and worker surveillance.
  • Discover strategies to address job displacement, such as reskilling and supporting workers through AI-induced transitions.


  • The course
  • Employment and Labor Market: A foundational knowledge of the labor market and employment dynamics is necessary to understand the impact of AI on different industries, job displacement, and changes in skill requirements.
  • Ethical Issues: A background in ethics will provide students with a framework to explore ethical considerations in AI-driven employment. This includes understanding fairness, bias, discrimination, privacy concerns, worker surveillance, and legal/regulatory aspects.

Frequently asked question

This course is designed for individuals who are interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on employment. It targets professionals from various backgrounds, such as HR and management, who want to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving AI-driven job market. The course is also beneficial for policymakers and regulators seeking to understand the ethical implications of AI in employment. Additionally, individuals who are curious about the future of work and the role of AI technologies will find this course highly informative. No prior knowledge of AI is required, making it accessible to both beginners and those with some familiarity with the subject.

Ochulor Isaac

I am Isaac Ochulor, a student pursuing a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Health and Safety Leadership. 




Skill level


Expiry period

6 Months

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